Those days at kpool.=)
Gotten more results.
Physics -> 11/25 DAMNIT Failed by just 1pathetic mark.
English P1 -> 19/30 BRAVO!
English P2 -> 11/25 DAMNIT, 1 mark again!?
Most of my papers fail by 1 or 2 mark la.DAMN!
But afterall,i'm kind of satisfied? LOLL!
Been doing most of my homeworks&trying so hard to pay attention in class.
Changing for the sake of my future or someone?Not sure either.
Where to go after my o's?
Poly? U-turn to ite? Or start finding a stable job? I've no idea.
Without those msges to disturb me during lesson time is it better off?
Somehow,i'm still hoping to recieve your phonecalls or msges.
Idk why did tears came rolling down when i was looking at my phone.
dk what's happening.
Maybe you're avoiding,maybe it's finished?
I R M Y S M.